Fast Fit Swiss

In our collaboration with Fast Fit, an EMS gym, our mission was to elevate their brand positioning as the premier destination for EMS training, focusing solely on personalized fitness regimens. Recognizing the significance of a robust online presence, they sought a website to bolster their digital campaign and drive lead generation. Beginning with their existing logo, we embarked on a journey of transformation, refining its colors and logotype to align seamlessly with their redefined identity.
new users
users visiting the site
(79% via organic search)
enrollment in free trial from website in one year
subscriptions compared with the previous year


Drawing inspiration from the dynamic nature of the fitness industry, we chose a bold color palette of eccentric yellow and black. Yellow symbolizes energy and optimism, while black conveys strength and sophistication. Our typography selection emphasized boldness to reflect the brand's determination and power. Despite retaining elements of the existing logo, we refined the logotype for improved legibility and visual impact. Through a professional tone of voice, we established Fast Fit as a credible leader in personalized fitness training. This integrated approach across positioning, visual identity, typography, and tone of voice has successfully elevated Fast Fit's brand presence.


We crafted Fast Fit website to drive lead generation with a comprehensive strategy. Our UI/UX design ensured seamless navigation and engaging experiences, optimizing accessibility to information and services. Through meticulous development, we prioritized speed, responsiveness, and cross-device functionality, enhancing user satisfaction.
To enhance visibility and attract organic traffic, we implemented robust SEO strategies, optimizing content and structure to rank prominently in search engine results. Additionally, we integrated a dynamic blog platform to establish Fast Fit as an industry authority, fostering engagement and loyalty through valuable content.
Crucially, our data-driven approach provided insights into user behavior, informing targeted digital marketing campaigns for maximum impact and ROI.


In our photography service for Fast Fit, we opted to showcase the true essence of their brand. We carefully selected one of their gym locations to mirror the experience clients would encounter. Assuming full control of the creative direction, we guided every aspect of the shoot to resonate with Fast Fit's identity and principles. To infuse authenticity, we casted real clients as actors, lending a genuine feel to the visuals. From production to post-processing, our team handled every detail, resulting in a compelling set of images. These visuals were then strategically employed across their website and digital marketing campaigns, effectively communicating the unique offerings of Fast Fit.